Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's been 5 months 11 days since we seen this..

Look what we found today after a ton of pictures trying to 'catch' it! 
There is Austin smiling up a storm. The last smile we had was May 5th (we looked it up because we knew it had been a while!). We are completely happy about everything that is going on with our lives right now. Our little boy is doing so amazing with this new medicine Sabril. It may cause blindness but how things are going right now is amazing. He is so much more alert! He is smiling again. It's like he isn't having the IS issues any more which he is. But he's starting to 'heal' it seems to me. I'm so blessed right now. 

Yesterday we went to a date night but it was my husbands company auction. Which was amazing. We received a family pass tot he zoo for 2012 and I'm so excited about that especially since Alex will be having weekends off (or at least every other weekend!) and we wont a Visa Gift card for $100. Plus got two tool things that Alex said he wanted/needed. SO we got a lot of things really and only it was taxed a bit to be honest which is fine by us. 

Alex is getting promoted to parts so he will be working full time and no more Sundays no matter what. So he will be able to celebrate Austin's birthday party with his family now! I hated when he worked Sundays because that is the one day he always had off no matter what. But now we will have that with him again. We got so much good news coming up hopefully we will be renting a house after winter (well when the snows gone we are moving). Austin will be 1 on Halloween. Can't believe it. We are doing the birthday party for my family next Saturday! I'm loving the time with my family. It's AMAZING!

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